As your looking around our fantastic new website, you may notice that we don’t yet have a catalog or area where you can buy things directly from the website. While that is something I’d love to do, it will take more time and dedication than I presently have. I will over the next few weeks get more photos uploaded for you to see some of our finished pieces. There are links in each area (other than framing) to catalogs for you to browse through and get ideas of things your looking for in the trophy, award, and some gift categories.
We can take orders over email or telephone for anything, except most framing projects. We can design projects remotely, emailing files back and forth until the design is just what your looking for. The project can be finished and even shipped to you if needed.
We do sell promotional products also, and I am including a link to an online catalog that is a part of what we can offer.
As for finished products, and products that require only personalization, we have an ETSY page, BackwoodsFE where we have some things for sale. We will be adding more to these pages as time goes on also, so please visit it and see if you like anything. You don’t have to purchase through ETSY, though you can if you wish. You can also just contact us and tell us that is where you saw something.
So even though we don’t have a shopping cart for you to purchase directly, you can order from us anytime, day or night, in your pajamas or on weekends. You’ll get the same personalized service you get when you come to us in person.
BTW…we do take appointments after hours…evenings and weekends. While we aren’t always available, we do our level best to find a time that is convenient for YOU!
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